In Moscow In Russia and CIS Worldwide


By types of construction activities By location

Testing Construction Technology Laboratory

•    injection  repair of concrete;
•    sanation and dampproofing of underground structures of buildings and installations;
•    speed measurement  of corrosion of reinforced concrete constructions;
•    testing of concrete and soil samples;
•    selection of injection solutions.

Since 1961, the Testing Construction Technology Laboratory operates within the structure of “Hydrospetsproekt”.
The experience of the Laboratory specialists and its equipment grade enable to carry out the following works:
- to determine in field conditions, for instance, at examination of buildings and structures the physico-technical characteristics of soils and construction materials (durability, humidity, etc.) using the methods of scleroscopy, psychrometry, ultrasonic flaw detection, breakaway with chipping, etc.;
- to test in the laboratory the samples of concrete, drilling fluids and injection solutions, dampproofing and sanating materials, and to select  compositions of such material with pre-determined properties and characteristics;
- to select compositions, to develop the process for preparation and injection of special compositions into soils and brickwork targeted to raise its durability and water impermeability, as well as the processes for dampproofing of underground structures and liquidation of inflow of pressure waters through their casings;
- to provide engineering support for projects, including the quality control of performed works, the check-up at the construction site of compliance of actual compositions and characteristics of materials used with  those stated in the project, as well as to ensure on-the-spot adjustment of materials and working processes;
- sanation and Waterproofing of Underground Structures, Buildings and Installations.
A complete complex of works by “Hydrospetsproekt” process has been successfully realized at the facilities of Moscow: premises of Christ the Savior Cathedral, the Losev house, the Pashkov house, the Moscow Kremlin museums, the Dolgorukies’ chambers, the Centre for eastern literature and many others.   Leakages in some premises of “Okhotny ryad” hypermarket were eliminated.

Hydraulic Engineering Department in conjunction with the Testing Construction Technology Laboratory developed a special package of measures to stabilize the structures Zagorsk PSP-2 in order to prevent further precipitation of the building. Laboratory have developed composite materials to fill the voids and materials for strengthening the foundation soil by high-pressure injection.

Laboratory chief


Vladimir Mikhaylovich

Deputy laboratory chief


Oleg Yevgenyevich